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For precision capillary tube of metal materials, we have been working on it for more than 30 years.
Alloy 600Material
Alloy 600, UNS N06600, NS312, GH3600, W.Nr.2.4816
UNS N06600 is a standard engineering material for applications which require resistance to corrosion and heat. The alloy also has excellent mechanical properties and presents the desirable combination of high strength and good workability.
The high nickel content gives the alloy resistance to corrosion by many organic and inorganic compounds and also makes it virtually immune to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking. Chromium confers resistance to sulfur compounds and also provides resistance to oxidizing conditions at high temperatures or in corrosive solutions. The alloy is not precipitation hardenable, it is hardened and strengthened only by cold work.
The versatility of N06600 has led to its use in a variety of applications involving temperatures from cryogenic to above 2000℉ (1095℃).
The alloy is used extensively in the chemical industry for its strength and corrosion resistance. Applications include heaters, stills, bubble towers and condensers for processing of fatty acids; evaporator tubes, tube sheets and flaking trays for the manufacture of sodium sulfide; and equipment for handling abietic acid in the manufacture of paper pulp.
The alloy's strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures make it useful for many applications in the heat-treating industry. It is used for retorts, muffles, roller hearths and other furnace components and for heat-treating baskets and trays.
In the aeronautical field, alloy N06600 is used for a variety of engine and airframe components which must withstand high temperatures. Examples are lockwire, exhaust liners and turbine seals.
Alloy N06600 is used in the electronic field for such parts as cathode-ray tube spiders, thyratron grids, tube support members and springs.
The alloy is a standard material of construction for nuclear reactors. It has excellent resistance to corrosion by high-purity water, and no indication of chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking in reactor water systems has been detected.
Chemical Composition (wt% as per ASTM B167)
Material |
Fe |
Ni |
Cu |
Cr |
Si |
C |
Alloy 600 |
6.0-10.0 |
≥72.0 |
≤0.50 |
14.0-17.0 |
≤0.50 |
≤0.15 |
Material |
Ti |
Al |
Mn |
P |
S |
Alloy 600 |
≤0.30 |
≤0.30 |
≤1.0 |
≤0.020 |
≤0.15 |
Micro Structure
UNS N06600 is a stable, austenitic solid solution alloy. The only precipitated phases present in the microstructure are titanium nitrides, titanium carbides (or solutions of those two compounds commonly called cyanonitrides), and chromium carbides.
Titanium nitrides and carbides are visible in polished microspecimens at magnifications of 50X or greater. They appear as small, randomly dispersed, angular-shaped inclusions. The color varies from orange-yellow for the nitride to gray-lavender for the carbide. These nitrides and cyanonitrides are stable at all temperatures below the melting point and are unaffected by heat treatment.
At temperatures between 1000-1800℉(540-980℃), chromium carbides precipitate out of the solid solution. Precipitation occurs both at the grain boundaries and in the matrix. Because of the grain-boundary precipitation, the corrosion behavior of alloy UNS N06600 is similar to that of other austenitic alloys in that the material can be made susceptible to intergranular attack in some aggressive media (sensitized) by exposure to temperatures of 1000-1400℉(540-760℃). At temperatures above 1400℉(760℃) the predominant carbide is Cr7C3. Below 1400℉ (760℃) the Cr23C6 carbide is also present.
Mechanical Property
Alloy 600 in annealed condition as per ASTM B167
Material |
Tensile strength ksi (MPa) |
Yield strength at 0.2 offset ksi (MPa) |
Elongation in 2” % min. |
Reduction of area % min. |
Alloy 600 |
≥80 (550) |
≥35 (240) |
≥30 |
Corrosion Resistance
The composition of UNS N06600 enables it to resist a variety of corrosives. The chromium content of the alloy makes it superior to commercially pure nickel under oxidizing conditions, and its high nickel content enables it to retain considerable resistance under reducing conditions. The nickel content also provides excellent resistance to alkaline solutions.
The alloy has fair resistance to strongly oxidizing acid solutions. However, the oxidizing effect of dissolved air alone is not sufficient to insure complete passivity and freedom from attack by air-saturated mineral acids and certain concentrated organic acids.
Available Process
(1) Hot formed, annealed, descaled
(2) Cold worked and bright annealed
(3) Cold worked, bright annealed, polished (MP, EP, CP etc.)
Common Tests
Chemical composition
Micro structure
Intergranular Corrosion
Surface condition
Shape and dimension
Positive Material Identification
Product Forms
Form |
Size range |
Capillary tube |
OD 0.15 ~ 6.0 mm WT 0.015 ~ 1.5 mm |
Thin wall & Ultra thin wall seamless tube |
OD6.0 ~80.0 mm WT 0.05 ~4.5 mm |
Micro ID and heavy thick wall seamless tube |
OD3.0 ~50.0 mm ID 0.30 ~5.0 mm |
Precision conic seamless tube |
Bigger end: OD3.0 - 426.0mm Smaller end: OD2.5 - 346.0mm WT: 0.15 - 40.0mm |
HP /UHP BA+ tube EP tube |
OD 1.0 ~ 76 mm WT 0.10 ~ 10.0 mm |
Small caliber precision seamless tube |
OD6.0 ~89 mm WT 0.50 ~9.0 mm |
Profiled seamless tube |
Build to drawing Build to specification |